The only thing Cyn is good at is baking, adding a little flour, a little sugar, a lot of butter, and killing people slowly with joy in their bellies. She’s completely oblivious to the paranormal world around her.
Until the street explodes in front of her bake shop. A man is glowing and floating in the middle of the freaking street. Her best friend turns into a bear. Her annoying boyfriend turns into the biggest porcupine she’s ever seen. And then, if that wasn’t bad enough, she’s attacked by an extinct bleeping saber-toothed cat.
She wakes up—after all of that—to find herself in the middle of a desert alone with a man who had been a cute cuddly cat only moments before. He’s searching for the thing that’s siphoning all the energy away from Bastet’s temple and killing her temple cats, including him. Cyn’s just looking for that one-way ticket home.
She discovers she’s a lot deeper in this whole paranormal world than she ever dreamed possible. And the key to stopping Sven is something only she can retrieve.
Continue Reading Whiskey Witches Ancients
Continue Reading Whiskey Witches Ancients
It's about time to handle Sven once and for all. However, in order to do that, Paige is going to have to build temporary alliances with people she swore never to look at again, much less work with. But the world is more important. One way or the other, Sven is going down for good this time.